Made with Strapi + Gatsby

This site is created with ❤️ using Strapi as headless CMS and Gatsby for the static site you're seeing right now.

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Recent Posts

We pull the latest posts from Post content model using Strapi API

What JAM Stack Is

The term itself was coined by Netlify co-founder Mathias Biilmann to refer to the solution stack of JavaScript, APIs, and markup. JAM stack focuses on the front end build, eschewing server-side functions as much as possible

2 months ago

Blog post July 1

this is a new blog post [WebriQ](

2 months ago

New blog post

This is a new blog post This is a new blog post This is a new blog post

in a few seconds

What JAM Stack Can Do for You

The vast majority of sites on the net today total fewer than a dozen pages and do not require frequent updating. For these sites, the JAM stack approach has major advantages over the traditional dynamic application server model: it’s faster, cheaper, easier to build and maintain, and offers baked-in security.

2 months ago

Top 10 SSG for 2018

Top 10 SSG for 2018

8 days ago

Recent Directory

We pull the latest posts from Directory content model using Strapi API

Chris Gosnell Photography


I have a passion for people and it shows! I am a c...

